Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I was on mental vacation time o.o

The entire time I was gone I was doing what this little lady and her pug were doing. I'm exhausted, I need a break. BUT ALAS IT IS NOT TO BE! *dramatic pose* I'm going on a little trip and I'm going to have to save my imaginary energy so I could survive it. It'll be 16 hours of hanging out in the back seat. Yaaay so fuuun.

I wish I didn't have to pay Deviant art to do the SAME FRAKING THING I do here. It's a nightmare. God.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

work in progress

Yep, you guess it. I'm still looking for my style but hey it's settling more and more. Man, whoever this random doodle girl is she's never going to survive any horror movies lol. Behind the red door is Richmond of course. He's just a polite goth :) Was.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crap I'm cold

Fall? What is this fall? You mean it goes, Winter, Summer, then Winter right? Welcome to the valley, where half of the time you're either freezing or in a pool of your own sweat. Ha. This is one of my characters that I had around for a long loong time. Let say... five years maybe. Wow that's long. His name is Friday and he is the only character I've made that can mesh well with anyone. So yay! You go you cold hearted bastard.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


OH man, busy busy. I did this little number. :D The cute goo keeps spilling out doesn't it? I don't know what never possessed me before this weekend to download the Sai program. WHY? This is exactly what I needed! Good thing my fabulous and talented friend mentioned it in her deviant art because I'd probably end up spending my cash on freaking painter. Boo on painter.