Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bee Yourself

I herd it was New Years. Get it? Herd? Because of the sheep. Get it? Aw forget it.

P.S. I do like weird puns and that's why I loved Cash in the Attic so much. Oh Alistair Appleton, You're so cute. Miss you.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sketch #23

Apparently guilt is also a good motivator from funks. *slams head on wall*

Sketch #22 Rawrg! Damien Rice Mode

Because when you're dead inside this is the only thing you can think of. O_O Sorry folks.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sketch #19,20,21 Busted

I did three bust sketches and heck, I put them together to make things easier on me and you. Be happy I didn't do them separately because I drew them super big. I need a vacation from this vacation...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sketch # 18 (Plus a little music)

Tiny snippets of nerdom! If you're wondering what she's listening to then look right here. (John Cameron Mitchell is a genius!) I always had a soft spot for transmusicals. ^_^

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sketch #16 & 17

Yeah I know I'm a bit behind but there was a good reason (Rain makes me sleepy).

Can you guys help me give this girl a name? It would be awesome if you did :D The winner gets a hug and a permanent ban from my blacklist. (I don't actually have a blacklist but it could so easily be done.)

Oh god I do hate pickles. And Sandra... IT'S NOT WEIRD! Lots of people hate pickles. They. Are. Gross.

Not A Sketch

I drew this for a friend. :D Hope you like it BB.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sketch #15

Do You Mind?

NOT Benedict Cumberbatch. More of a bastardized version of Patrick Wolf lol. He has a new CD out y'all and so far I like what I hear.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sketch #14

Everybody knows that in the Jurassic Period the only way you have wireless internet access is in the Rubble's house. Duh. Too bad it's a secured network.

This was actually me at the Casino on Saturday. I'm not a big fan of gambling but that goddamn place had nothing for me to do while my mom was off at the machines! Even an arcade room would distract me from the mind numbing boredom I was feeling. Some freaking pac-man would do.

I'm aware that I made a paleontologist cry some pretty bitter tears just now. I'm sorry.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sketch #12 & 13

Not postponed!


Merry Pugmas! The really funny thing about this is that being the crazy pug lady isn't as bad as being the crazy cat lady. Well... they're both pretty bad.


This is a true story! XD Sorry Erica.

On another note. Yes, I thought I was going to give myself a break on my own birthday but goddammit my dad bought me this fancy shmansy new tablet and I couldn't resist. Can you tell the difference? Do you like it? Yay or Nay?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sketch #11

Today I learned that the only cure for a terrible headache was a silly Blues Clues and BBC Sherlock crossover. If I clean this up and finish this I'll have to change Sherlock's posture and the position of his hands. :3 (I wish Lestrade had a notebook that was couch shaped lol)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sketch #9

First off, I hate realistic drabble but I am fond of story telling. I guess this tells some sort of stupid story with romance and crap. At least it's interracial which I'm all for *thumbs up*

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sketch #8

Because yes, fuck Don.

If anybody needed a reason to hate Don the most it would be Pete. He worked hard for those accounts!

LOL thank you Erica for requesting Pete Campbell for the sketch. He is certainly my second favorite character on Mad Men. Peggy is first.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010



Ho s**t the cute goo is spilling all over. Quick! Someone grab a towel!

Stuffed 10th Doctor Bear (aka David Tennant bear) being held with gloved hands. Because dammit it's almost Christmas!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Sketch #6

Kristi/Pioneer, Sandra/Miss fancy pants, Nhub/Mobster with a unique collection of... things, Me/Impressionable sleuth who likes to wear coats and scarves.

This is how I see us in my head every time we go out and about. :D I should do the version where we're feeding the geese! Me and Sandra up on the picnic table throwing bits of bread at those damn birds. Those winged bastards are very intimidating...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sketch #5

Does that sound like anybody you know? *shifty eyes*

Yes that's my favorite OG character Friday. Changed his looks a little bit too. Oh my, he has grayish hair. I wonder what might have cause me to do that. (Believe it or not it wasn't because of Anderson Cooper. It was DI Lestrade aka Rupert Graves!)

Damn, gray hair is so awesome.

P.S. The shirt he's wearing is from "The Nerdist" podcast. Nice way to announce your character's nerdom with a t-shirt. Roy from IT seems to be good at that.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sketch #4 The Cleaner

See the Cleaner in live action HERE

Ooooooh dear lord. Yes *cough* here is the Cleaner. I can say he's making me feel really uncomfortable right now. Poor Bernard, I'll protect you my sweetums.

I hope this pleases you Bin ^_^ I had a lot of fun working on this and I wish to work more on this sketch in the future.

Arachnids with... beans~

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sketch #3 tiny bits of sketch dump

I really would like to be a detective. Alas, I'd be terrible at it. "Hey um... what? Where did I put that evidence? I forgot... I put it somewhere..."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sketch #2

I don't know what possessed me to draw a backpacker. I. Don't. Know. Character development just takes you into places you didn't know existed. Like that Fresh n' Easy isle that has those vegetable chips. Those things are so salty but go wonderfully with Fresh n' Easy lemonade. God I miss that store.

This is actually Sketch #1 from this morning but I got bored and worked on another one (the labyrinth one). Geez it's cold.

actual sketch #1

I give you the labyrinth sketch. Featuring David Bowie's tush. I feel like I should have spent more time on this. Oh well. A sketch is just a sketch.

Sketchember Ninja cat filler

Happy sketchember! This is a filler. Ninja cat will deliver two sketches on Thursday because I missed one day of sketchember. typical.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I was on mental vacation time o.o

The entire time I was gone I was doing what this little lady and her pug were doing. I'm exhausted, I need a break. BUT ALAS IT IS NOT TO BE! *dramatic pose* I'm going on a little trip and I'm going to have to save my imaginary energy so I could survive it. It'll be 16 hours of hanging out in the back seat. Yaaay so fuuun.

I wish I didn't have to pay Deviant art to do the SAME FRAKING THING I do here. It's a nightmare. God.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

work in progress

Yep, you guess it. I'm still looking for my style but hey it's settling more and more. Man, whoever this random doodle girl is she's never going to survive any horror movies lol. Behind the red door is Richmond of course. He's just a polite goth :) Was.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crap I'm cold

Fall? What is this fall? You mean it goes, Winter, Summer, then Winter right? Welcome to the valley, where half of the time you're either freezing or in a pool of your own sweat. Ha. This is one of my characters that I had around for a long loong time. Let say... five years maybe. Wow that's long. His name is Friday and he is the only character I've made that can mesh well with anyone. So yay! You go you cold hearted bastard.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


OH man, busy busy. I did this little number. :D The cute goo keeps spilling out doesn't it? I don't know what never possessed me before this weekend to download the Sai program. WHY? This is exactly what I needed! Good thing my fabulous and talented friend mentioned it in her deviant art because I'd probably end up spending my cash on freaking painter. Boo on painter.

Friday, September 17, 2010

BBC Sherlock

I've been itching to draw him in chibi form. John totally looks like Barney Rubble! lol I'm so sorry John.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shake it!

If you notice that Spoon is in the background I could just marry you. Sadly, I'm a person who would consider marrying someone a 'BAD MOVE'.